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4 Ways Slow IT Response Times Hurt Your Business  GAM Tech

Is your business suffering due to slow IT services? You're not alone. Businesses of all sizes can experience hiccups with their day to day operations.

Other than the frustration that comes with having to wait around for an answer, poor service can create a whole slew of other problems   problems that won't just cost you time and money, they can cost you your business! Integrating robust and efficient IT support services in advance can give you peace of mind and help your business thrive in the long term, as well as ensure business continuity.

The True Cost of Slow IT Response Times

Small Issues Lead to Big Problems

Even the most minor glitch, if left long enough, can turn into a major problem. For instance, let’s say you’re receiving intermittent notices your firewall is off. It’s easy enough for you to turn it on manually, but you notify your IT department of the problem, just in case.

In this case, slow IT response time can put your business at risk, as what seems like a small problem is actually leaving your business vulnerable to malware, ransomware, AI attacks and countless other forms of cybercrime. If what started off as a small issue now has the potential to disrupt your entire organization, imagine what a delayed response to a larger problem could do.

Not only might you miss out on potential customers, but confidential data could be at risk. From a consumer standpoint, this could even have an impact on your brand's credibility. With one-quarter of small businesses folding due to cyber attacks – can you afford to take that risk? 

It's Costing You Customers

Slow IT response times are not only frustrating for you, but it’s also a deterrent for your existing and potential customers! Taking your website as an example, studies show 47% per cent of website visitors expect a website to load in 2 seconds or less and 40% will leave if it takes over 3 seconds. In today's digital age, customers expect quick and seamless communication.

Consumers and clients also expect easy access to customer service. If your website is not optimized to handle questions, inquires, or feedback without disruption, customers may be less inclined to use your service again in the future.

In short, customers who experience problems when they interact with you will take their business elsewhere. Can you rely on your current IT provider to protect your customer base?

It Hurts Productivity

One of the main ways that slow IT response times can hurt a business is by reducing employee productivity. Did you know the average business loses 545 hours of employee productivity annually due to IT downtime? Or that the average employee typically spends 22 minutes a day dealing with IT-related issues?

When employees encounter technical issues or problems with their devices, they may waste valuable time trying to troubleshoot the issue on their own. This can lead to delays in completing tasks and meeting deadlines, which can negatively impact a company's bottom line. In addition, if employees are unable to access the tools and resources they need to do their jobs, it can lead to decreased job satisfaction and a higher rate of employee turnover.

Think of all the revenue you’re losing – not just to pay your employees but to the actual IT company responsible for fixing the problem! Most businesses spend roughly 3.28% per cent on IT support and services. Since small businesses typically gross less than $500,000 in annual revenue, that's a minimum of $16,400 you’re spending for bad service!

Demand Something Better

Businesses should give priority to their IT support and have a dependable, effective system in place. This could involve having a process for tracking and resolving IT problems quickly, educating staff on how to solve regular tech issues, and buying the hardware/software necessary to meet staff needs. Doing this will reduce the impact of slow IT support and give both employees and customers the support they need to thrive.

Running a business can be challenging enough without having to stress over slow IT service. Instead, why not rely on a RESPONSIVE managed IT service provider? Someone you know will be accountable to your business by offering:


• A Reasonable and Cost Effective Fixed Monthly Rate

• Unlimited Support

• 5-Minute Response Time

• 24x7x365 support

• Managed Anti-Virus solutions

• Hosted Anti-Spam

• Offsite Backups

• Proactive Monitoring

• Inventory Management

• Routine Maintenance

• Documentation and Reporting

• Strategic Planning to Align Infrastructure with Business Goals

• Mobile Device Management (MDM)

• And much more!


Stop putting up (and paying for) poor service. At GAM Tech, we pride ourselves on the ultra-responsive way we do business. We're reliable, accountable and entirely focused on providing exceptional service. All it takes is a conversation to get your business on the right track to improved IT and productivity.

Click the button below to book a free consultation and learn more about our services, or try our downtime calculator to see how much you can save by making the switch. 

Click Here For A FREE Consultation Today!

About GAM Tech

GAM Tech is a Managed IT Solutions provider serving Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Red Deer, Grand Prairie, Whitehorse, and Eastern Canada. Our top priority is delivering responsive, reliable, accountable service to small and medium-sized businesses, ensuring their clients have what they need to perform at the highest level on a day in, day out basis. Our services include Managed IT Support, Network Security, Cloud services, IT Consulting services, and other tech-related custom solutions.