5 Reasons Your Business Needs a Disaster Recovery Plan

IT-related disaster recovery is an integral part of both security and business continuity planning. In short, it is a set of policies, tools and procedures put in place to protect your business's most critical operations in the event of an unforeseen disaster. 

A disaster recovery PLAN refers to the policies, tools and procedures mentioned above as they pertain to your organization’s unique software, hardware and network needs. 

Here are five reasons why a disaster recovery plan is crucial to your business: 

1. Cyber Attacks, Data Breaches and More

According to recent information released by Statistics Canada, over one-fifth of Canadian companies reported their operations were impacted as a direct result of cybercrime – leading to costly downtime and system repairs. With the number of business-related phishing, malware, ransomware and other cyber-related attacks on the rise, recent data indicates it’s not a question of “if” your business is attacked, but when. 

2. Natural Disasters

From wildfires to floods, Alberta is no stranger to natural disasters. In the blink of an eye, systems can be compromised, offices can be destroyed and, without an active disaster recovery plan in place, operations can come to a screeching halt. In fact, experts have stated that 40% of businesses never reopen in light of a natural disaster and of those that do, only 29% remain in operation after two years. 

it business man in network server room have problems and looking for  disaster situation  solution

3. Hardware and Building Failure 

Insufficient power, extreme temperature changes and human error are all primary factors in computer hardware failure – which is also one of the leading causes of disruptions among Canadian businesses. Building failure also poses an unpredictable threat in terms of leaks, floods, fires, physical security, power and more. With a reliable disaster recovery plan, your data remains safe regardless of external threats or mishaps. 

4. Human Error

Human error isn’t just the leading cause of hardware failure; it also accounts for 90% of data breaches and cyberattacks within a business. Neglecting to download and install critical updates, not adhering to cyber safety policies (visiting unsecured sights, clicking on suspicious links, etc.) and accidentally deleting essential data can all lead to a crippling network disaster. 

5. Client and Customer Service

A disaster recovery plan is also essential for protecting your reputation, in that no matter what the circumstances, you’ll continue to deliver the same exceptional service your customers and clients have come to know and depend on. Keep your customers happy and away from the competition with the help of a disaster recovery plan. 

Keep your organization safe with the help of GAM Tech’s custom business continuity and disaster recovery plans. Tailored to meet your organization’s unique needs, our plans include: 

  • 5-minute response times and round-the-clock monitoring, 24/7/365
  • Strategic business planning
  • Proactive services 
  • Risk and vulnerability assessments 
  • And much more

 How at risk is your business? Find out by taking our Free Risk Assessment. Or, for more information on how we can help protect your organization, Book Your Free Consultation today. 

Posted by Adrian Ghira on Mar 5, 2020 6:12:37 PM
Adrian Ghira
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Topics: business, disaster recovery

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